1928: The Santa Marta Massacre Diplomatic reports from various US and Colombian government agencies and the United Fruit Company about a strike by plantation workers in 1928…
El Salvador: Another Popular Front - What about revolution? A critical article on the strategy and composition of national liberation movement of El Salvador.
El Salvador, Another Vietnam? A documentary made during the US backed civil war in El Salvador, documenting the social conditions of the country and many of the atrocities.
A short history of colonialism in Congo, 1885-1997 A very short overview of Belgian, and latterly US, imperialism in Congo, written by Marty Jezer in 2001.
The USA, Qatar and ‘New’ Imperialist Alignments The official story is that Saudi Arabia, supported by Egypt, the Emirates, Bahrain and other sidekicks in the Gulf, is trying to isolate Qatar…
We, supporters of Rojava, should be worried about its partnership with the United States. This article covers the current military situation in Rojava. While the PYD and…
Rogue states: the rule of force in world affairs Book from 2000 by Noam Chomsky where he argues that, contrary to popular perception, the real 'rogue' states in the world today are not the…
The Magonista Revolt in Tijuana: A Prelude to the San Diego Free Speech Fight (excerpt from Under the Perfect Sun: The San Diego Tourists Never See; The New Press: 2003, by Jim…
1961-62: Dominican General Strike Ends Dictatorship In the aftermath of the assassination of the Dictator Trujillo a general strike was initiated to oust his remaining cronies.
The human costs of militarization in Latin America - Arturo Jimenez An article about the establishment of Operation Condor, an alliance between multiple right wing…
Free Markets and Death Squads - Ricky Baldwin A general account of union busting and state terrorism of Haitian workers organisations, including incidents carried out by reformist President…
The friendly face of US imperialism: USAID and Haiti A report on the role of USAID in Haiti, demonstrating how international aid can be used to break up resistance and support foreign intervention…